Infosys Aptitude Test
1. In a covering, a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is?

A. 1 hour 
B. 1 1/2 hour 
C. 2 hour 
D. 2 1/2 hour

2. A train 110 m long is running with a speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

A. 5 sec 
B. 6 sec 
C. 7 sec 
D. 10 sec

3. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?

A. Rs. 375 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 600 
D. Rs. 800

4. A, B and C started a business with capitals of Rs. 8000, Rs. 10000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profit share of B is Rs. 1500. The difference between the profit shares of A and C is?

A. Rs. 300 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 500 
D. Rs. 600 
E. None of these

5. If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

A. Rs. 120, Rs. 240, Rs. 150 
B. Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360 
C. Rs. 150, Rs. 300, Rs. 60 
D. None of these

6. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?

A. 10 kmph 
B. 21 kmph 
C. 8 kmph 
D. 12 kmph

7. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.125 times the principal at 10% per annum?

A. 1 1/4 years 
B. 1 3/4 years 
C. 2 1/4 years 
D. 2 3/4 years

8. Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?

A. Rs.150 
B. Rs.132 
C. Rs.100 
D. Rs.125

9. A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

A. 10 
B. 20 
C. 40 
D. 73

10. The H.C.F of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

A. 279 
B. 283 
C. 308 
D. 318

Infosys Reasoning Test

1.      Statement:
The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far the company ‘S’ used to select candidates with out conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify component persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only I and III
2.      Statement:
Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.
Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?

A. Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
B. Social networking should be banned.
C. Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
D. Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.
3.      Cause: The forest department has found several deadly tiger traps in the forests which fall under Maharashtra tiger reserve. These traps are usually laid by African nomads.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?

A. The local people and the officials may be alerted of movements of African nationals who look different by their wears and traits.
B. A fencing may be constructed all around the reserve.
C. all the tigers from the reserve may be shifted to zoos.
D. The government may send army personnel to comb the place to find if there are more such traps.
4.      It may prudent to bear with a small harm for a greater benefit. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Research has consistently shown that frequent exposure X-rays can cause cells in human body to be destroyed or mutated, apart from this it can cause damage to DNA cell structure, a bane that could be passed down for generations. Doctors, unmindful of such consequences, subject the patients to exposure to X-rays, even in the cases in which it can be avoided.
Which of the following can be concluded/ inferred from the above passage?

A. Doctors think of other consequences of the treatment they provide to the patients.
B. All the hospitals have X-ray machines.
C. There are no government directives regarding the manufacture of X-ray machines.
D. One cannot do away with X-ray machines in treating the patients.
E. None of these
5.      Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
Step III: 550 345 280 147 93 36 25
This is the final arrangement and step III is the last step for this input.

Which of the following is the last step for the following input?

Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356

A. 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
B. 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
C. 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
D. 900 356 243 227 116 145 49
6. In the following questions, the symbols +, ×, =, ÷ and – are used with following meanings:
‘P+Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P×Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
‘P=Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
‘P÷Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P-Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’.

G – H, K × L, L – G
Conclusions: I. G ÷ K   II. L – H

A. if only conclusion I is true.
B. if only conclusion II is true.
C. if either conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither conclusion I nor II is true. 
7. Statement:
Should seniority be the only criterion for the promotion?
I. No. All the senior employees are not interested in promotion.
II. Yes. Otherwise senior employees feel humiliated.

A. If only argument I is strong
B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong
8. Statements: 
I. No U is L
II. No L is k
III.Some N are Z
IV. Some Z are magic


I. No U is Z
II. All Z being L is a possibility.

A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Statement 3 is true
D. None of these
9. The workers from asbestos industries do not protest against the health hazards and lack of medical facilities as most of them do not suffer from asbestos dust.

A. If the inference is definitely true
B. If the inference is probably true
C. If the data are inadequate
D. If the inference is probably false
E. If the inference is definitely false
10. Statement:
The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of values supplied by company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The company ‘A’ should inspect all the values rejected by company ‘X’.
III. The company ‘A’ should inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II
C. All I, II and III
D. II and either I or III
11. Choose out the odd one.

A. Seminar
B. Semi colon
C. Semifinal
D. Semicircle
12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?


What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

N 5 V, K 7 T, ?, E 14 P, B 19 N

A. I10R
B. H10Q
C. H9R
D. H10R

If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as ‘XZG’ and ‘YIZG’ respectively in a code language then how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?


Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter father”, How is the gentleman related to Deepak?

A. Grand Father
B. Father
C. Brother-in-law
D. Uncle

Infosys English Test Model Papers


A. misery
B. indifference
C. veracity
D. generosity

Option D


Generosity (munificence, large-hoartodness) andtruism are synonyms.


A. twisted
B. cunning
C. irrational
D. guileless

Option D


The words wily (cunning) and guileless are antonyms.

We should travel ________ night, as it will be cooler.

A. in
B. at
C. with
D. by

Option A

Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm sunshine and soothing ______.

A. zephyrs
B. dervishes
C. stanchions
D. ebbs

Option A


A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the west.

The seller lowered the prices.

A. The prices lowered the seller.
B. The prices were lowered by the seller.
C. Down went the price.
D. The prices lowered by the seller.

Option B


The prices were lowered by the seller.

Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Restaurent
B. Restaurant
C. Rastaurent
D. Rasteraunt

Option B

To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.

A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection

Option D

Choose the best word in the given passage.

A. high
B. varying
C. no
D. almost

Option B

Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

Option A


Will we ever forget those happy days?

The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been


Option A

The match was over. We left for home.
a) Match ———–
b) We left ———–
c) Besides the match ———–

A. Only B
B. A & B
C. B & C
D. A & C

Option B

To rise with the lark

A. to be promoted in position
B. to order somebody to get out of bed
C. to be able to deal with a difficult situation.
D. to be affected by problems or insult
E. to wake up very early

Option E


When you wake up very early, you ‘rise with the lark’ (the name of a bird).

Do how I say.

A. as
B. that
C. like
D. which

Option A

Many teachers believe that the easiest way of maintaining order and discipline in classrooms is by instilling fear in the minds of the students. —– Parents too are to blame for this syndrome for they make life difficult for their children by setting unrealistic goals.
(A) Its a pity that often lack in self-confidence.
(B) No wonder they often lack in self-confidence.
(C) It is practically impossible for the teachers to attend to each student’s problems.

A. A and B
B. A and C
C. Only A
D. All the three

It was raining heavily. Hence, only few people attended the meeting.
(A) Since it was raining …..
(B) Because it was …..
(C) Therefore few people …..

A. Only B
B. B and C
C. Only C
D. A and B

Infosys Aptitude Test Placement Papers
In this section, we are discussing Aptitude test papers. To help the contenders we have published aptitude questions and answers with a detailed explanation.

1. In a covering, a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is?

A. 1 hour 
B. 1 1/2 hour 
C. 2 hour 
D. 2 1/2 hour

Answer: Option C


Ratio of speeds = 3:4
Ratio of times taken = 4:3
Suppose A takes 4x hrs and B takes 3x hrs to reach the destination.
Then, 4x – 3x = 30/60 => x = 1/2
Time taken by A = 4x hrs = 4 * 1/2 = 2 hrs. 

2. A train 110 m long is running with a speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

A. 5 sec 
B. 6 sec 
C. 7 sec 
D. 10 sec

Answer: Option B


Speed of train relative to man = 60 + 6 = 66 km/hr.
= 66 * 5/18 = 55/3 m/sec.
Time taken to pass the men = 110 * 3/55 = 6 sec.

3. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?

A. Rs. 375 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 600 
D. Rs. 800

Answer: Option B


C’s 1 day’s work = 1/3 – (1/6 + 1/8) = 1/3 – 7/24 = 1/24
A’s wages : B’s wages : C’s wages
1/6 : 1/8 : 1/24 = 4:3:1
C’s share = 1/8 * 3200 = Rs. 400

4. A, B and C started a business with capitals of Rs. 8000, Rs. 10000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profit share of B is Rs. 1500. The difference between the profit shares of A and C is?

A. Rs. 300 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 500 
D. Rs. 600 
E. None of these

Answer: Option D


Ratio of investments of A, B and C is 8000 : 10000 : 12000 = 4 : 5 : 6
And also given that, profit share of B is Rs. 1500
=> 5 parts out of 15 parts is Rs. 1500
Now, required difference is 6 – 4 = 2 parts
Required difference = 2/5 (1500) = Rs. 600

5. If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

A. Rs. 120, Rs. 240, Rs. 150 
B. Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360 
C. Rs. 150, Rs. 300, Rs. 60 
D. None of these

Answer: Option B


(A = 2/3 B and B = 1/4 C) = A/B = 2/3 and B/C = 1/4
A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 1:4 = 3:12
A:B:C = 2:3:12
A;s share = 510 * 2/17 = Rs. 60
B’s share = 510 * 3/17 = Rs. 90
C’s share = 510 * 12/17 = Rs. 360.

6. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?

A. 10 kmph 
B. 21 kmph 
C. 8 kmph 
D. 12 kmph

Answer: Option C


S = 4
M = x
DS = x + 4
US = x – 4
6/(x + 4) + 6/(x – 4) = 2
x = 8

7. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.125 times the principal at 10% per annum?

A. 1 1/4 years 
B. 1 3/4 years 
C. 2 1/4 years 
D. 2 3/4 years

Answer: Option A


Let sum = x. Then, S.I. = 0.125x = 1/8 x, R = 10%
Time = (100 * x) / (x * 8 * 10) = 5/4 = 1 1/4 years.

8. Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?

A. Rs.150 
B. Rs.132 
C. Rs.100 
D. Rs.125

Answer: Option B


2 * 22/7 * 14 = 88
88 * 1 1/2 = Rs.132

9. A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

A. 10 
B. 20 
C. 40 
D. 73

Answer: Option C


Let there be x pupils in the class.
Total increase in marks = (x * 1/2) = x/2
x/2 = (83 – 63) => x/2 = 20 => x = 40.

10. The H.C.F of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

A. 279 
B. 283 
C. 308 
D. 318

Answer: Option C


Other number = (11 * 7700)/275 = 308.

11. If the sum of the two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404, then the product of the numbers is:

A. 40 
B. 44 
C. 80 
D. 88

Answer: Option A


Let the numbers be x and y. 
Then, (x + y) = 22 and x2 + y2 = 404 
2xy = (x + y)2 – (x2 + y2) 
2xy= 222 – 404 = 484 – 404 = 80
xy = 40

12. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank from empty to full in 30 minutes, 20 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. When the tank is empty, all the three pipes are opened. A, B and C discharge chemical solutions P, Q and R respectively. What is the proportion of solution R in the liquid in the tank after 3 minutes?

A. 5/11 
B. 6/11 
C. 7/11 
D. 8/11

Answer: Option B


Part filled by (A + B + C) in 3 minutes = 3(1/30 + 1/20 + 1/10) = 11/20
Part filled by C in 3 minutes = 3/10
Required ratio = 3/10 * 20/11 = 6/11

13. The principal that amounts to Rs. 4913 in 3 years at 6 1/4 % per annum C.I. compounded annually, is?

A. Rs. 3096 
B. Rs. 4076 
C. Rs. 4085 
D. Rs. 4096

Answer: Option D


Principal = [4913 / (1 + 25/(4 * 100))3] 
= 4913 * 16/17 * 16/17 * 16/17 = Rs. 4096.

14. If the height of a cone is increased by 100% then its volume is increased by?

A. 100% 
B. 200% 
C. 300% 
D. 400%

Answer: Option A



15. Find the one which does not belong to that group?

A. Walk 
B. Talk 
C. Drink 
D. Plank 
E. Lick

Answer: Option D


Walk, Talk, Drink and Lick are verbs, but not Plank.

16. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20%. B sells it to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs. 225 for it, the cost price of the bicycle for A is:

A. Rs. 110 
B. Rs. 120 
C. Rs. 125 
D. Rs. 150

Answer: Option D


125% of 120% of A = 225
125/100 * 120/100 * A = 225
A = 225 * 2/3 = 150.

17. A person’s present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old id the mother at present?

A. 32 years 
B. 36 years 
C. 40 years 
D. 48 years

Answer: Option C


Let the mother’s present age be x years. Then, the person’s present age = 2/5 x years.
(2/5 x + 8) = 1/2 (x + 8)
2(2x + 40) = 5(x + 8) => x = 40

18. In an election between two candidates A and B, the number of valid votes received by A exceeds those received by B by 15% of the total number of votes polled. If 20% of the votes polled were invalid and a total of 8720 votes were polled, then how many valid votes did B get?

A. 2160 
B. 2420 
C. 2834 
D. 3150 
E. None of these

Answer: Option C


Let the total number of votes polled in the election be 100k.
Number of valid votes = 100k – 20% (100k) = 80k
Let the number of votes polled in favour of A and B be a and b respectively.
a – b = 15% (100k) => a = b + 15k
=> a + b = b + 15k + b
Now, 2b + 15k = 80k and hence b = 32.5k
It is given that 100k = 8720
32.5k = 32.5k/100k * 8720 = 2834
The number of valid votes polled in favour of B is 2834.

19. The cost of 16 pens and 8 pencils is Rs.352 and the cost of 4 pens and 4 pencils is Rs.96. Find the cost of each pen?

A. Rs.32 
B. Rs.28 
C. Rs.36 
D. Rs.25 
E. None of these

Option E


Let the cost of each pen and pencil be ‘p’ and ‘q’ respectively.
16p + 8q = 352 — (1)
4p + 4q = 96
8p + 8q = 192 — (2)
(1) – (2) => 8p = 160
=> p = 20

20. I. a2 + 11a + 30 = 0,
II. b2 + 6b + 5 = 0 to solve both the equations to find the values of a and b?

A. If a < b 
B. If a = b 
C. If the relationship between a and b cannot be established 
D. If a > b E. If a = b

Answer: Option B


I. (a + 6)(a + 5) = 0
=> a = -6, -5
II. (b + 5)(b + 1) = 0
=> b = -5, -1 => a = b

21. 32% of 425 – ?% of 250 = 36

A. 20 
B. 40 
C. 60 
D. 80 E. 70

Answer: Option B


32/100 * 425 – x/100 * 250 = 36
 => x/100 * 250 = 136 – 36 = 100 
=> x = (100 * 100)/250 = 40

22. The radius of a wheel is 22.4 cm. What is the distance covered by the wheel in making 500 resolutions?

A. 252 m 
B. 704 m 
C. 352 m 
D. 808 m 
E. None of these

Answer: Option B


In one resolution, the distance covered by the wheel is its own circumference. Distance covered in 500 resolutions. 
= 500 * 2 * 22/7 * 22.4 = 70400 cm = 704 m

23. Which of the following has the same relationship as that of Money: Wealth?

A. Pity: Kindness 
B. Cruel: Anger 
C. Wise: Education 
D. Pride: Humility E. None of these

Answer: Option A

Infosys Reasoning Test Sample Papers
Infosys Reasoning sample questions are provided in this section along with detailed solutions. Before going to attend for the Infosys online test should prepare the provided questions thoroughly.

1. Statement:
The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far the company ‘S’ used to select candidates with out conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify component persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only I and III

Option A


To appeal to start the written examination clearly hints about assumption I. Employees association assumes II that is why they have appealed so.

Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.
Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?

A. Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
B. Social networking should be banned.
C. Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
D. Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.

Option A

Cause: The forest department has found several deadly tiger traps in the forests which fall under Maharashtra tiger reserve. These traps are usually laid by African nomads.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?

A. The local people and the officials may be alerted of movements of African nationals who look different by their wears and traits.
B. A fencing may be constructed all around the reserve.
C. all the tigers from the reserve may be shifted to zoos.
D. The government may send army personnel to comb the place to find if there are more such traps.

Option A

It may prudent to bear with a small harm for a greater benefit. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Research has consistently shown that frequent exposure X-rays can cause cells in human body to be destroyed or mutated, apart from this it can cause damage to DNA cell structure, a bane that could be passed down for generations. Doctors, unmindful of such consequences, subject the patients to exposure to X-rays, even in the cases in which it can be avoided.
Which of the following can be concluded/ inferred from the above passage?

A. Doctors think of other consequences of the treatment they provide to the patients.
B. All the hospitals have X-ray machines.
C. There are no government directives regarding the manufacture of X-ray machines.
D. One cannot do away with X-ray machines in treating the patients.
E. None of these

Option E


From the passage it is clear that the doctors do not think of using the X-ray machines. Hence, (A) cannot be concluded. The context of the passage is not about the number of hospitals that use X-ray machines. Similarly, (C) is also out of context. The passage is not referring to availability of alternatives to X-rays or otherwise. Hence, (D) cannot be concluded.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
Step III: 550 345 280 147 93 36 25
This is the final arrangement and step III is the last step for this input.

Which of the following is the last step for the following input?

Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356

A. 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
B. 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
C. 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
D. 900 356 243 227 116 145 49

Option B


Numbers are getting arranged in descending order.
The largest of the given number interchanges its place with the first number. IN case the largest number is already arranged, the second largest is interchanged with the number next to the largest number, and so on until the numbers are arranged in descending order.
The series which is in strictly descending order will be the answer.

In the following questions, the symbols +, ×, =, ÷ and – are used with following meanings:
‘P+Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P×Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
‘P=Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
‘P÷Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P-Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’.

G – H, K × L, L – G
Conclusions: I. G ÷ K   II. L – H

A. if only conclusion I is true.
B. if only conclusion II is true.
C. if either conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither conclusion I nor II is true.

Option B

7. Statement:

Should seniority be the only criterion for the promotion?
I. No. All the senior employees are not interested in promotion.
II. Yes. Otherwise senior employees feel humiliated.

A. If only argument I is strong
B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong

Option D


I is not strong because the question of criterion arises only when the employee is really for promotion. II is not strong because a blind submission to such a feeling will do no good to the organisation. The effort should be to take measures that make employees feel that they are being cared for even though not promoted.

8. Statements: 

I. No U is L
II. No L is k
III.Some N are Z
IV. Some Z are magic


I. No U is Z
II. All Z being L is a possibility.

A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Statement 3 is true
D. None of these

Option B

The workers from asbestos industries do not protest against the health hazards and lack of medical facilities as most of them do not suffer from asbestos dust.

A. If the inference is definitely true
B. If the inference is probably true
C. If the data are inadequate
D. If the inference is probably false
E. If the inference is definitely false

Option E


From the clause afraid to protest for fear of losing job the given reason can be nullified.

10. Statement:

The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of values supplied by company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The company ‘A’ should inspect all the values rejected by company ‘X’.
III. The company ‘A’ should inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II
C. All I, II and III
D. II and either I or III

Option C


As in the statement it is mentioned ‘rejection due to inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship’, it is well known that purchase dept is responsible for purchasing the inferior quality material. Again production dept is responsible for improper inspection. Hence investigation is compulsory for all the departments. Hence I follows. II follows because claim of company ‘X’ may be wrong. III follows because relationships with a previous client should always be kept up.

Choose out the odd one.

A. Seminar
B. Semi colon
C. Semifinal
D. Semicircle

Option A


In all except seminar, Semi indicates “half”.

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?


Option B

What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

N 5 V, K 7 T, ?, E 14 P, B 19 N

A. I10R
B. H10Q
C. H9R
D. H10R

Option D

If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as ‘XZG’ and ‘YIZG’ respectively in a code language then how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?


Option C

Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter father”, How is the gentleman related to Deepak?

A. Grand Father
B. Father
C. Brother-in-law
D. Uncle

Option D


Father of Deepak’s daughter’s father –Deepaks Father. So the man’s brother is deepak’s Father or the man is the brother of deepak’s father i.e…, Deepak’s uncle.

Infosys English Test Model Papers

This section deals with English Model Papers. We have updated important questions along with solutions. Practice more model test papers and improve your vocabulary. We suggest the contenders just refer the provided sample papers for reference purpose only. 


A. misery
B. indifference
C. veracity
D. generosity

Option D


Generosity (munificence, large-hoartodness) andtruism are synonyms.


A. twisted
B. cunning
C. irrational
D. guileless

Option D


The words wily (cunning) and guileless are antonyms.

We should travel ________ night, as it will be cooler.

A. in
B. at
C. with
D. by

Option A

Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm sunshine and soothing ______.

A. zephyrs
B. dervishes
C. stanchions
D. ebbs

Option A


A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the west.

The seller lowered the prices.

A. The prices lowered the seller.
B. The prices were lowered by the seller.
C. Down went the price.
D. The prices lowered by the seller.

Option B


The prices were lowered by the seller.

Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Restaurent
B. Restaurant
C. Rastaurent
D. Rasteraunt

Option B

To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.

A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection

Option D

Choose the best word in the given passage.

A. high
B. varying
C. no
D. almost

Option B

Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

Option A


Will we ever forget those happy days?

The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been


Option A

The match was over. We left for home.
a) Match ———–
b) We left ———–
c) Besides the match ———–

A. Only B
B. A & B
C. B & C
D. A & C

Option B

To rise with the lark

A. to be promoted in position
B. to order somebody to get out of bed
C. to be able to deal with a difficult situation.
D. to be affected by problems or insult
E. to wake up very early

Option E


When you wake up very early, you ‘rise with the lark’ (the name of a bird).

Do how I say.

A. as
B. that
C. like
D. which

Option A

Many teachers believe that the easiest way of maintaining order and discipline in classrooms is by instilling fear in the minds of the students. —– Parents too are to blame for this syndrome for they make life difficult for their children by setting unrealistic goals.
(A) Its a pity that often lack in self-confidence.
(B) No wonder they often lack in self-confidence.
(C) It is practically impossible for the teachers to attend to each student’s problems.

A. A and B
B. A and C
C. Only A
D. All the three

Option A


Only statements A and B can Join the two sentences. C is different from them.

It was raining heavily. Hence, only few people attended the meeting.
(A) Since it was raining …..
(B) Because it was …..
(C) Therefore few people …..

A. Only B
B. B and C
C. Only C
D. A and B

Option D


A is correct because the word ‘since’ suggests a reason. ‘As’ and ‘because’ are also used to suggest reason.
Infosys Placement Paper Syllabus
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
·         Probability
·         Permutations & Combinations
·         Algebra
·         Averages
·         Time Speed & Distance
·         Time & Work
·         Profit & Loss
·         Ratio & Proportion
·         Simple & Compound Interest
·         Percentage
·         Number Series
·         Mixtures & Alligations
·         Simplification
·         Number System
·         Heights and Distances
·         Geometry & Mensuration
·         Data Sufficiency
·         Logarithms
·         Progressions
·         LCM and HCL
·         Pipes and Cisterns
·         Partnership
·         Boats and Streams
·         Areas, Volumes
Reasoning Syllabus
·         Number Series
·         Letter Series
·         Analogies
·         Puzzles
·         Syllogisms
·         Binary Logic
·         Clocks & Calendars
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·         Coded Inequalities
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·         Routes & Networks
·         Grouping & Selections
·         Evaluating Course of Action
·         Statements and Conclusions
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·         Situation Reaction Test
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·         Direction Sense Test
·         Logical Sequence Of Words
·         Assertion and Reason
·         Verification of Truth of the Statement
·         Statements and Assumptions
·         Data Interpretation
Verbal Ability Syllabus
·         Synonyms
·         Antonyms
·         Sentence Completion
·         Spelling Test
·         Passage Completion
·         Sentence Arrangement
·         Idioms and Phrases
·         Para Completion
·         Error Correction (Underlined Part)
·         Fill in the blanks
·         Synonyms
·         Prepositions
·         Active and Passive Voice
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·         Sentence Improvement
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·         Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
·         Articles
·         Gerunds
·         Identify the Errors
·         Plural Forms
·         Odd Words
·         PrepositionsInfosys Aptitude Test
1. In a covering, a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is?

A. 1 hour 
B. 1 1/2 hour 
C. 2 hour 
D. 2 1/2 hour

2. A train 110 m long is running with a speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

A. 5 sec 
B. 6 sec 
C. 7 sec 
D. 10 sec

3. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?

A. Rs. 375 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 600 
D. Rs. 800

4. A, B and C started a business with capitals of Rs. 8000, Rs. 10000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profit share of B is Rs. 1500. The difference between the profit shares of A and C is?

A. Rs. 300 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 500 
D. Rs. 600 
E. None of these

5. If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

A. Rs. 120, Rs. 240, Rs. 150 
B. Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360 
C. Rs. 150, Rs. 300, Rs. 60 
D. None of these

6. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?

A. 10 kmph 
B. 21 kmph 
C. 8 kmph 
D. 12 kmph

7. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.125 times the principal at 10% per annum?

A. 1 1/4 years 
B. 1 3/4 years 
C. 2 1/4 years 
D. 2 3/4 years

8. Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?

A. Rs.150 
B. Rs.132 
C. Rs.100 
D. Rs.125

9. A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

A. 10 
B. 20 
C. 40 
D. 73

10. The H.C.F of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

A. 279 
B. 283 
C. 308 
D. 318

Infosys Reasoning Test

1.      Statement:
The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far the company ‘S’ used to select candidates with out conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify component persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only I and III
2.      Statement:
Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.
Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?

A. Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
B. Social networking should be banned.
C. Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
D. Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.
3.      Cause: The forest department has found several deadly tiger traps in the forests which fall under Maharashtra tiger reserve. These traps are usually laid by African nomads.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?

A. The local people and the officials may be alerted of movements of African nationals who look different by their wears and traits.
B. A fencing may be constructed all around the reserve.
C. all the tigers from the reserve may be shifted to zoos.
D. The government may send army personnel to comb the place to find if there are more such traps.
4.      It may prudent to bear with a small harm for a greater benefit. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Research has consistently shown that frequent exposure X-rays can cause cells in human body to be destroyed or mutated, apart from this it can cause damage to DNA cell structure, a bane that could be passed down for generations. Doctors, unmindful of such consequences, subject the patients to exposure to X-rays, even in the cases in which it can be avoided.
Which of the following can be concluded/ inferred from the above passage?

A. Doctors think of other consequences of the treatment they provide to the patients.
B. All the hospitals have X-ray machines.
C. There are no government directives regarding the manufacture of X-ray machines.
D. One cannot do away with X-ray machines in treating the patients.
E. None of these
5.      Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
Step III: 550 345 280 147 93 36 25
This is the final arrangement and step III is the last step for this input.

Which of the following is the last step for the following input?

Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356

A. 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
B. 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
C. 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
D. 900 356 243 227 116 145 49
6. In the following questions, the symbols +, ×, =, ÷ and – are used with following meanings:
‘P+Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P×Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
‘P=Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
‘P÷Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P-Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’.

G – H, K × L, L – G
Conclusions: I. G ÷ K   II. L – H

A. if only conclusion I is true.
B. if only conclusion II is true.
C. if either conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither conclusion I nor II is true. 
7. Statement:
Should seniority be the only criterion for the promotion?
I. No. All the senior employees are not interested in promotion.
II. Yes. Otherwise senior employees feel humiliated.

A. If only argument I is strong
B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong
8. Statements: 
I. No U is L
II. No L is k
III.Some N are Z
IV. Some Z are magic


I. No U is Z
II. All Z being L is a possibility.

A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Statement 3 is true
D. None of these
9. The workers from asbestos industries do not protest against the health hazards and lack of medical facilities as most of them do not suffer from asbestos dust.

A. If the inference is definitely true
B. If the inference is probably true
C. If the data are inadequate
D. If the inference is probably false
E. If the inference is definitely false
10. Statement:
The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of values supplied by company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The company ‘A’ should inspect all the values rejected by company ‘X’.
III. The company ‘A’ should inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II
C. All I, II and III
D. II and either I or III
11. Choose out the odd one.

A. Seminar
B. Semi colon
C. Semifinal
D. Semicircle
12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?


What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

N 5 V, K 7 T, ?, E 14 P, B 19 N

A. I10R
B. H10Q
C. H9R
D. H10R

If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as ‘XZG’ and ‘YIZG’ respectively in a code language then how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?


Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter father”, How is the gentleman related to Deepak?

A. Grand Father
B. Father
C. Brother-in-law
D. Uncle

Infosys English Test Model Papers


A. misery
B. indifference
C. veracity
D. generosity

Option D


Generosity (munificence, large-hoartodness) andtruism are synonyms.


A. twisted
B. cunning
C. irrational
D. guileless

Option D


The words wily (cunning) and guileless are antonyms.

We should travel ________ night, as it will be cooler.

A. in
B. at
C. with
D. by

Option A

Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm sunshine and soothing ______.

A. zephyrs
B. dervishes
C. stanchions
D. ebbs

Option A


A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the west.

The seller lowered the prices.

A. The prices lowered the seller.
B. The prices were lowered by the seller.
C. Down went the price.
D. The prices lowered by the seller.

Option B


The prices were lowered by the seller.

Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Restaurent
B. Restaurant
C. Rastaurent
D. Rasteraunt

Option B

To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.

A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection

Option D

Choose the best word in the given passage.

A. high
B. varying
C. no
D. almost

Option B

Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

Option A


Will we ever forget those happy days?

The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been


Option A

The match was over. We left for home.
a) Match ———–
b) We left ———–
c) Besides the match ———–

A. Only B
B. A & B
C. B & C
D. A & C

Option B

To rise with the lark

A. to be promoted in position
B. to order somebody to get out of bed
C. to be able to deal with a difficult situation.
D. to be affected by problems or insult
E. to wake up very early

Option E


When you wake up very early, you ‘rise with the lark’ (the name of a bird).

Do how I say.

A. as
B. that
C. like
D. which

Option A

Many teachers believe that the easiest way of maintaining order and discipline in classrooms is by instilling fear in the minds of the students. —– Parents too are to blame for this syndrome for they make life difficult for their children by setting unrealistic goals.
(A) Its a pity that often lack in self-confidence.
(B) No wonder they often lack in self-confidence.
(C) It is practically impossible for the teachers to attend to each student’s problems.

A. A and B
B. A and C
C. Only A
D. All the three

It was raining heavily. Hence, only few people attended the meeting.
(A) Since it was raining …..
(B) Because it was …..
(C) Therefore few people …..

A. Only B
B. B and C
C. Only C
D. A and B

Infosys Aptitude Test Placement Papers
In this section, we are discussing Aptitude test papers. To help the contenders we have published aptitude questions and answers with a detailed explanation.

1. In a covering, a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is?

A. 1 hour 
B. 1 1/2 hour 
C. 2 hour 
D. 2 1/2 hour

Answer: Option C


Ratio of speeds = 3:4
Ratio of times taken = 4:3
Suppose A takes 4x hrs and B takes 3x hrs to reach the destination.
Then, 4x – 3x = 30/60 => x = 1/2
Time taken by A = 4x hrs = 4 * 1/2 = 2 hrs. 

2. A train 110 m long is running with a speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

A. 5 sec 
B. 6 sec 
C. 7 sec 
D. 10 sec

Answer: Option B


Speed of train relative to man = 60 + 6 = 66 km/hr.
= 66 * 5/18 = 55/3 m/sec.
Time taken to pass the men = 110 * 3/55 = 6 sec.

3. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?

A. Rs. 375 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 600 
D. Rs. 800

Answer: Option B


C’s 1 day’s work = 1/3 – (1/6 + 1/8) = 1/3 – 7/24 = 1/24
A’s wages : B’s wages : C’s wages
1/6 : 1/8 : 1/24 = 4:3:1
C’s share = 1/8 * 3200 = Rs. 400

4. A, B and C started a business with capitals of Rs. 8000, Rs. 10000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profit share of B is Rs. 1500. The difference between the profit shares of A and C is?

A. Rs. 300 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 500 
D. Rs. 600 
E. None of these

Answer: Option D


Ratio of investments of A, B and C is 8000 : 10000 : 12000 = 4 : 5 : 6
And also given that, profit share of B is Rs. 1500
=> 5 parts out of 15 parts is Rs. 1500
Now, required difference is 6 – 4 = 2 parts
Required difference = 2/5 (1500) = Rs. 600

5. If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

A. Rs. 120, Rs. 240, Rs. 150 
B. Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360 
C. Rs. 150, Rs. 300, Rs. 60 
D. None of these

Answer: Option B


(A = 2/3 B and B = 1/4 C) = A/B = 2/3 and B/C = 1/4
A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 1:4 = 3:12
A:B:C = 2:3:12
A;s share = 510 * 2/17 = Rs. 60
B’s share = 510 * 3/17 = Rs. 90
C’s share = 510 * 12/17 = Rs. 360.

6. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?

A. 10 kmph 
B. 21 kmph 
C. 8 kmph 
D. 12 kmph

Answer: Option C


S = 4
M = x
DS = x + 4
US = x – 4
6/(x + 4) + 6/(x – 4) = 2
x = 8

7. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.125 times the principal at 10% per annum?

A. 1 1/4 years 
B. 1 3/4 years 
C. 2 1/4 years 
D. 2 3/4 years

Answer: Option A


Let sum = x. Then, S.I. = 0.125x = 1/8 x, R = 10%
Time = (100 * x) / (x * 8 * 10) = 5/4 = 1 1/4 years.

8. Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?

A. Rs.150 
B. Rs.132 
C. Rs.100 
D. Rs.125

Answer: Option B


2 * 22/7 * 14 = 88
88 * 1 1/2 = Rs.132

9. A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

A. 10 
B. 20 
C. 40 
D. 73

Answer: Option C


Let there be x pupils in the class.
Total increase in marks = (x * 1/2) = x/2
x/2 = (83 – 63) => x/2 = 20 => x = 40.

10. The H.C.F of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

A. 279 
B. 283 
C. 308 
D. 318

Answer: Option C


Other number = (11 * 7700)/275 = 308.

11. If the sum of the two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404, then the product of the numbers is:

A. 40 
B. 44 
C. 80 
D. 88

Answer: Option A


Let the numbers be x and y. 
Then, (x + y) = 22 and x2 + y2 = 404 
2xy = (x + y)2 – (x2 + y2) 
2xy= 222 – 404 = 484 – 404 = 80
xy = 40

12. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank from empty to full in 30 minutes, 20 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. When the tank is empty, all the three pipes are opened. A, B and C discharge chemical solutions P, Q and R respectively. What is the proportion of solution R in the liquid in the tank after 3 minutes?

A. 5/11 
B. 6/11 
C. 7/11 
D. 8/11

Answer: Option B


Part filled by (A + B + C) in 3 minutes = 3(1/30 + 1/20 + 1/10) = 11/20
Part filled by C in 3 minutes = 3/10
Required ratio = 3/10 * 20/11 = 6/11

13. The principal that amounts to Rs. 4913 in 3 years at 6 1/4 % per annum C.I. compounded annually, is?

A. Rs. 3096 
B. Rs. 4076 
C. Rs. 4085 
D. Rs. 4096

Answer: Option D


Principal = [4913 / (1 + 25/(4 * 100))3] 
= 4913 * 16/17 * 16/17 * 16/17 = Rs. 4096.

14. If the height of a cone is increased by 100% then its volume is increased by?

A. 100% 
B. 200% 
C. 300% 
D. 400%

Answer: Option A



15. Find the one which does not belong to that group?

A. Walk 
B. Talk 
C. Drink 
D. Plank 
E. Lick

Answer: Option D


Walk, Talk, Drink and Lick are verbs, but not Plank.

16. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20%. B sells it to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs. 225 for it, the cost price of the bicycle for A is:

A. Rs. 110 
B. Rs. 120 
C. Rs. 125 
D. Rs. 150

Answer: Option D


125% of 120% of A = 225
125/100 * 120/100 * A = 225
A = 225 * 2/3 = 150.

17. A person’s present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old id the mother at present?

A. 32 years 
B. 36 years 
C. 40 years 
D. 48 years

Answer: Option C


Let the mother’s present age be x years. Then, the person’s present age = 2/5 x years.
(2/5 x + 8) = 1/2 (x + 8)
2(2x + 40) = 5(x + 8) => x = 40

18. In an election between two candidates A and B, the number of valid votes received by A exceeds those received by B by 15% of the total number of votes polled. If 20% of the votes polled were invalid and a total of 8720 votes were polled, then how many valid votes did B get?

A. 2160 
B. 2420 
C. 2834 
D. 3150 
E. None of these

Answer: Option C


Let the total number of votes polled in the election be 100k.
Number of valid votes = 100k – 20% (100k) = 80k
Let the number of votes polled in favour of A and B be a and b respectively.
a – b = 15% (100k) => a = b + 15k
=> a + b = b + 15k + b
Now, 2b + 15k = 80k and hence b = 32.5k
It is given that 100k = 8720
32.5k = 32.5k/100k * 8720 = 2834
The number of valid votes polled in favour of B is 2834.

19. The cost of 16 pens and 8 pencils is Rs.352 and the cost of 4 pens and 4 pencils is Rs.96. Find the cost of each pen?

A. Rs.32 
B. Rs.28 
C. Rs.36 
D. Rs.25 
E. None of these

Option E


Let the cost of each pen and pencil be ‘p’ and ‘q’ respectively.
16p + 8q = 352 — (1)
4p + 4q = 96
8p + 8q = 192 — (2)
(1) – (2) => 8p = 160
=> p = 20

20. I. a2 + 11a + 30 = 0,
II. b2 + 6b + 5 = 0 to solve both the equations to find the values of a and b?

A. If a < b 
B. If a = b 
C. If the relationship between a and b cannot be established 
D. If a > b E. If a = b

Answer: Option B


I. (a + 6)(a + 5) = 0
=> a = -6, -5
II. (b + 5)(b + 1) = 0
=> b = -5, -1 => a = b

21. 32% of 425 – ?% of 250 = 36

A. 20 
B. 40 
C. 60 
D. 80 E. 70

Answer: Option B


32/100 * 425 – x/100 * 250 = 36
 => x/100 * 250 = 136 – 36 = 100 
=> x = (100 * 100)/250 = 40

22. The radius of a wheel is 22.4 cm. What is the distance covered by the wheel in making 500 resolutions?

A. 252 m 
B. 704 m 
C. 352 m 
D. 808 m 
E. None of these

Answer: Option B


In one resolution, the distance covered by the wheel is its own circumference. Distance covered in 500 resolutions. 
= 500 * 2 * 22/7 * 22.4 = 70400 cm = 704 m

23. Which of the following has the same relationship as that of Money: Wealth?

A. Pity: Kindness 
B. Cruel: Anger 
C. Wise: Education 
D. Pride: Humility E. None of these

Answer: Option A

Infosys Reasoning Test Sample Papers
Infosys Reasoning sample questions are provided in this section along with detailed solutions. Before going to attend for the Infosys online test should prepare the provided questions thoroughly.

1. Statement:
The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far the company ‘S’ used to select candidates with out conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify component persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only I and III

Option A


To appeal to start the written examination clearly hints about assumption I. Employees association assumes II that is why they have appealed so.

Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.
Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?

A. Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
B. Social networking should be banned.
C. Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
D. Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.

Option A

Cause: The forest department has found several deadly tiger traps in the forests which fall under Maharashtra tiger reserve. These traps are usually laid by African nomads.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?

A. The local people and the officials may be alerted of movements of African nationals who look different by their wears and traits.
B. A fencing may be constructed all around the reserve.
C. all the tigers from the reserve may be shifted to zoos.
D. The government may send army personnel to comb the place to find if there are more such traps.

Option A

It may prudent to bear with a small harm for a greater benefit. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Research has consistently shown that frequent exposure X-rays can cause cells in human body to be destroyed or mutated, apart from this it can cause damage to DNA cell structure, a bane that could be passed down for generations. Doctors, unmindful of such consequences, subject the patients to exposure to X-rays, even in the cases in which it can be avoided.
Which of the following can be concluded/ inferred from the above passage?

A. Doctors think of other consequences of the treatment they provide to the patients.
B. All the hospitals have X-ray machines.
C. There are no government directives regarding the manufacture of X-ray machines.
D. One cannot do away with X-ray machines in treating the patients.
E. None of these

Option E


From the passage it is clear that the doctors do not think of using the X-ray machines. Hence, (A) cannot be concluded. The context of the passage is not about the number of hospitals that use X-ray machines. Similarly, (C) is also out of context. The passage is not referring to availability of alternatives to X-rays or otherwise. Hence, (D) cannot be concluded.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
Step III: 550 345 280 147 93 36 25
This is the final arrangement and step III is the last step for this input.

Which of the following is the last step for the following input?

Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356

A. 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
B. 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
C. 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
D. 900 356 243 227 116 145 49

Option B


Numbers are getting arranged in descending order.
The largest of the given number interchanges its place with the first number. IN case the largest number is already arranged, the second largest is interchanged with the number next to the largest number, and so on until the numbers are arranged in descending order.
The series which is in strictly descending order will be the answer.

In the following questions, the symbols +, ×, =, ÷ and – are used with following meanings:
‘P+Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P×Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
‘P=Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
‘P÷Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P-Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’.

G – H, K × L, L – G
Conclusions: I. G ÷ K   II. L – H

A. if only conclusion I is true.
B. if only conclusion II is true.
C. if either conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither conclusion I nor II is true.

Option B

7. Statement:

Should seniority be the only criterion for the promotion?
I. No. All the senior employees are not interested in promotion.
II. Yes. Otherwise senior employees feel humiliated.

A. If only argument I is strong
B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong

Option D


I is not strong because the question of criterion arises only when the employee is really for promotion. II is not strong because a blind submission to such a feeling will do no good to the organisation. The effort should be to take measures that make employees feel that they are being cared for even though not promoted.

8. Statements: 

I. No U is L
II. No L is k
III.Some N are Z
IV. Some Z are magic


I. No U is Z
II. All Z being L is a possibility.

A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Statement 3 is true
D. None of these

Option B

The workers from asbestos industries do not protest against the health hazards and lack of medical facilities as most of them do not suffer from asbestos dust.

A. If the inference is definitely true
B. If the inference is probably true
C. If the data are inadequate
D. If the inference is probably false
E. If the inference is definitely false

Option E


From the clause afraid to protest for fear of losing job the given reason can be nullified.

10. Statement:

The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of values supplied by company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The company ‘A’ should inspect all the values rejected by company ‘X’.
III. The company ‘A’ should inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II
C. All I, II and III
D. II and either I or III

Option C


As in the statement it is mentioned ‘rejection due to inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship’, it is well known that purchase dept is responsible for purchasing the inferior quality material. Again production dept is responsible for improper inspection. Hence investigation is compulsory for all the departments. Hence I follows. II follows because claim of company ‘X’ may be wrong. III follows because relationships with a previous client should always be kept up.

Choose out the odd one.

A. Seminar
B. Semi colon
C. Semifinal
D. Semicircle

Option A


In all except seminar, Semi indicates “half”.

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?


Option B

What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

N 5 V, K 7 T, ?, E 14 P, B 19 N

A. I10R
B. H10Q
C. H9R
D. H10R

Option D

If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as ‘XZG’ and ‘YIZG’ respectively in a code language then how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?


Option C

Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter father”, How is the gentleman related to Deepak?

A. Grand Father
B. Father
C. Brother-in-law
D. Uncle

Option D


Father of Deepak’s daughter’s father –Deepaks Father. So the man’s brother is deepak’s Father or the man is the brother of deepak’s father i.e…, Deepak’s uncle.

Infosys English Test Model Papers

This section deals with English Model Papers. We have updated important questions along with solutions. Practice more model test papers and improve your vocabulary. We suggest the contenders just refer the provided sample papers for reference purpose only. 


A. misery
B. indifference
C. veracity
D. generosity

Option D


Generosity (munificence, large-hoartodness) andtruism are synonyms.


A. twisted
B. cunning
C. irrational
D. guileless

Option D


The words wily (cunning) and guileless are antonyms.

We should travel ________ night, as it will be cooler.

A. in
B. at
C. with
D. by

Option A

Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm sunshine and soothing ______.

A. zephyrs
B. dervishes
C. stanchions
D. ebbs

Option A


A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the west.

The seller lowered the prices.

A. The prices lowered the seller.
B. The prices were lowered by the seller.
C. Down went the price.
D. The prices lowered by the seller.

Option B


The prices were lowered by the seller.

Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Restaurent
B. Restaurant
C. Rastaurent
D. Rasteraunt

Option B

To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.

A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection

Option D

Choose the best word in the given passage.

A. high
B. varying
C. no
D. almost

Option B

Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

Option A


Will we ever forget those happy days?

The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been


Option A

The match was over. We left for home.
a) Match ———–
b) We left ———–
c) Besides the match ———–

A. Only B
B. A & B
C. B & C
D. A & C

Option B

To rise with the lark

A. to be promoted in position
B. to order somebody to get out of bed
C. to be able to deal with a difficult situation.
D. to be affected by problems or insult
E. to wake up very early

Option E


When you wake up very early, you ‘rise with the lark’ (the name of a bird).

Do how I say.

A. as
B. that
C. like
D. which

Option A

Many teachers believe that the easiest way of maintaining order and discipline in classrooms is by instilling fear in the minds of the students. —– Parents too are to blame for this syndrome for they make life difficult for their children by setting unrealistic goals.
(A) Its a pity that often lack in self-confidence.
(B) No wonder they often lack in self-confidence.
(C) It is practically impossible for the teachers to attend to each student’s problems.

A. A and B
B. A and C
C. Only A
D. All the three

Option A


Only statements A and B can Join the two sentences. C is different from them.

It was raining heavily. Hence, only few people attended the meeting.
(A) Since it was raining …..
(B) Because it was …..
(C) Therefore few people …..

A. Only B
B. B and C
C. Only C
D. A and B

Option D


A is correct because the word ‘since’ suggests a reason. ‘As’ and ‘because’ are also used to suggest reason.
Infosys Placement Paper Syllabus
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
·         Probability
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·         Heights and Distances
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·         Data Sufficiency
·         Logarithms
·         Progressions
·         LCM and HCL
·         Pipes and Cisterns
·         Partnership
·         Boats and Streams
·         Areas, Volumes
Reasoning Syllabus
·         Number Series
·         Letter Series
·         Analogies
·         Puzzles
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·         Routes & Networks
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·         Evaluating Course of Action
·         Statements and Conclusions
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·         Situation Reaction Test
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·         Symbols and Notations
·         Direction Sense Test
·         Logical Sequence Of Words
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·         Verification of Truth of the Statement
·         Statements and Assumptions
·         Data Interpretation
Verbal Ability Syllabus
·         Synonyms
·         Antonyms
·         Sentence Completion
·         Spelling Test
·         Passage Completion
·         Sentence Arrangement
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·         Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
·         Articles
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·         Nouns
·         Prefix
·         Sentence Pattern
Infosys Aptitude Test
1. In a covering, a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is?

A. 1 hour 
B. 1 1/2 hour 
C. 2 hour 
D. 2 1/2 hour

2. A train 110 m long is running with a speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

A. 5 sec 
B. 6 sec 
C. 7 sec 
D. 10 sec

3. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?

A. Rs. 375 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 600 
D. Rs. 800

4. A, B and C started a business with capitals of Rs. 8000, Rs. 10000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profit share of B is Rs. 1500. The difference between the profit shares of A and C is?

A. Rs. 300 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 500 
D. Rs. 600 
E. None of these

5. If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

A. Rs. 120, Rs. 240, Rs. 150 
B. Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360 
C. Rs. 150, Rs. 300, Rs. 60 
D. None of these

6. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?

A. 10 kmph 
B. 21 kmph 
C. 8 kmph 
D. 12 kmph

7. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.125 times the principal at 10% per annum?

A. 1 1/4 years 
B. 1 3/4 years 
C. 2 1/4 years 
D. 2 3/4 years

8. Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?

A. Rs.150 
B. Rs.132 
C. Rs.100 
D. Rs.125

9. A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

A. 10 
B. 20 
C. 40 
D. 73

10. The H.C.F of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

A. 279 
B. 283 
C. 308 
D. 318

Infosys Reasoning Test

1.      Statement:
The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far the company ‘S’ used to select candidates with out conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify component persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only I and III
2.      Statement:
Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.
Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?

A. Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
B. Social networking should be banned.
C. Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
D. Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.
3.      Cause: The forest department has found several deadly tiger traps in the forests which fall under Maharashtra tiger reserve. These traps are usually laid by African nomads.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?

A. The local people and the officials may be alerted of movements of African nationals who look different by their wears and traits.
B. A fencing may be constructed all around the reserve.
C. all the tigers from the reserve may be shifted to zoos.
D. The government may send army personnel to comb the place to find if there are more such traps.
4.      It may prudent to bear with a small harm for a greater benefit. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Research has consistently shown that frequent exposure X-rays can cause cells in human body to be destroyed or mutated, apart from this it can cause damage to DNA cell structure, a bane that could be passed down for generations. Doctors, unmindful of such consequences, subject the patients to exposure to X-rays, even in the cases in which it can be avoided.
Which of the following can be concluded/ inferred from the above passage?

A. Doctors think of other consequences of the treatment they provide to the patients.
B. All the hospitals have X-ray machines.
C. There are no government directives regarding the manufacture of X-ray machines.
D. One cannot do away with X-ray machines in treating the patients.
E. None of these
5.      Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
Step III: 550 345 280 147 93 36 25
This is the final arrangement and step III is the last step for this input.

Which of the following is the last step for the following input?

Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356

A. 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
B. 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
C. 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
D. 900 356 243 227 116 145 49
6. In the following questions, the symbols +, ×, =, ÷ and – are used with following meanings:
‘P+Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P×Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
‘P=Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
‘P÷Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P-Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’.

G – H, K × L, L – G
Conclusions: I. G ÷ K   II. L – H

A. if only conclusion I is true.
B. if only conclusion II is true.
C. if either conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither conclusion I nor II is true. 
7. Statement:
Should seniority be the only criterion for the promotion?
I. No. All the senior employees are not interested in promotion.
II. Yes. Otherwise senior employees feel humiliated.

A. If only argument I is strong
B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong
8. Statements: 
I. No U is L
II. No L is k
III.Some N are Z
IV. Some Z are magic


I. No U is Z
II. All Z being L is a possibility.

A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Statement 3 is true
D. None of these
9. The workers from asbestos industries do not protest against the health hazards and lack of medical facilities as most of them do not suffer from asbestos dust.

A. If the inference is definitely true
B. If the inference is probably true
C. If the data are inadequate
D. If the inference is probably false
E. If the inference is definitely false
10. Statement:
The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of values supplied by company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The company ‘A’ should inspect all the values rejected by company ‘X’.
III. The company ‘A’ should inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II
C. All I, II and III
D. II and either I or III
11. Choose out the odd one.

A. Seminar
B. Semi colon
C. Semifinal
D. Semicircle
12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?


What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

N 5 V, K 7 T, ?, E 14 P, B 19 N

A. I10R
B. H10Q
C. H9R
D. H10R

If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as ‘XZG’ and ‘YIZG’ respectively in a code language then how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?


Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter father”, How is the gentleman related to Deepak?

A. Grand Father
B. Father
C. Brother-in-law
D. Uncle

Infosys English Test Model Papers


A. misery
B. indifference
C. veracity
D. generosity

Option D


Generosity (munificence, large-hoartodness) andtruism are synonyms.


A. twisted
B. cunning
C. irrational
D. guileless

Option D


The words wily (cunning) and guileless are antonyms.

We should travel ________ night, as it will be cooler.

A. in
B. at
C. with
D. by

Option A

Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm sunshine and soothing ______.

A. zephyrs
B. dervishes
C. stanchions
D. ebbs

Option A


A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the west.

The seller lowered the prices.

A. The prices lowered the seller.
B. The prices were lowered by the seller.
C. Down went the price.
D. The prices lowered by the seller.

Option B


The prices were lowered by the seller.

Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Restaurent
B. Restaurant
C. Rastaurent
D. Rasteraunt

Option B

To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.

A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection

Option D

Choose the best word in the given passage.

A. high
B. varying
C. no
D. almost

Option B

Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

Option A


Will we ever forget those happy days?

The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been


Option A

The match was over. We left for home.
a) Match ———–
b) We left ———–
c) Besides the match ———–

A. Only B
B. A & B
C. B & C
D. A & C

Option B

To rise with the lark

A. to be promoted in position
B. to order somebody to get out of bed
C. to be able to deal with a difficult situation.
D. to be affected by problems or insult
E. to wake up very early

Option E


When you wake up very early, you ‘rise with the lark’ (the name of a bird).

Do how I say.

A. as
B. that
C. like
D. which

Option A

Many teachers believe that the easiest way of maintaining order and discipline in classrooms is by instilling fear in the minds of the students. —– Parents too are to blame for this syndrome for they make life difficult for their children by setting unrealistic goals.
(A) Its a pity that often lack in self-confidence.
(B) No wonder they often lack in self-confidence.
(C) It is practically impossible for the teachers to attend to each student’s problems.

A. A and B
B. A and C
C. Only A
D. All the three

It was raining heavily. Hence, only few people attended the meeting.
(A) Since it was raining …..
(B) Because it was …..
(C) Therefore few people …..

A. Only B
B. B and C
C. Only C
D. A and B

Infosys Aptitude Test Placement Papers
In this section, we are discussing Aptitude test papers. To help the contenders we have published aptitude questions and answers with a detailed explanation.

1. In a covering, a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is?

A. 1 hour 
B. 1 1/2 hour 
C. 2 hour 
D. 2 1/2 hour

Answer: Option C


Ratio of speeds = 3:4
Ratio of times taken = 4:3
Suppose A takes 4x hrs and B takes 3x hrs to reach the destination.
Then, 4x – 3x = 30/60 => x = 1/2
Time taken by A = 4x hrs = 4 * 1/2 = 2 hrs. 

2. A train 110 m long is running with a speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

A. 5 sec 
B. 6 sec 
C. 7 sec 
D. 10 sec

Answer: Option B


Speed of train relative to man = 60 + 6 = 66 km/hr.
= 66 * 5/18 = 55/3 m/sec.
Time taken to pass the men = 110 * 3/55 = 6 sec.

3. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?

A. Rs. 375 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 600 
D. Rs. 800

Answer: Option B


C’s 1 day’s work = 1/3 – (1/6 + 1/8) = 1/3 – 7/24 = 1/24
A’s wages : B’s wages : C’s wages
1/6 : 1/8 : 1/24 = 4:3:1
C’s share = 1/8 * 3200 = Rs. 400

4. A, B and C started a business with capitals of Rs. 8000, Rs. 10000 and Rs. 12000 respectively. At the end of the year, the profit share of B is Rs. 1500. The difference between the profit shares of A and C is?

A. Rs. 300 
B. Rs. 400 
C. Rs. 500 
D. Rs. 600 
E. None of these

Answer: Option D


Ratio of investments of A, B and C is 8000 : 10000 : 12000 = 4 : 5 : 6
And also given that, profit share of B is Rs. 1500
=> 5 parts out of 15 parts is Rs. 1500
Now, required difference is 6 – 4 = 2 parts
Required difference = 2/5 (1500) = Rs. 600

5. If Rs. 510 be divided among A, B, C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively:

A. Rs. 120, Rs. 240, Rs. 150 
B. Rs. 60, Rs. 90, Rs. 360 
C. Rs. 150, Rs. 300, Rs. 60 
D. None of these

Answer: Option B


(A = 2/3 B and B = 1/4 C) = A/B = 2/3 and B/C = 1/4
A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 1:4 = 3:12
A:B:C = 2:3:12
A;s share = 510 * 2/17 = Rs. 60
B’s share = 510 * 3/17 = Rs. 90
C’s share = 510 * 12/17 = Rs. 360.

6. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?

A. 10 kmph 
B. 21 kmph 
C. 8 kmph 
D. 12 kmph

Answer: Option C


S = 4
M = x
DS = x + 4
US = x – 4
6/(x + 4) + 6/(x – 4) = 2
x = 8

7. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.125 times the principal at 10% per annum?

A. 1 1/4 years 
B. 1 3/4 years 
C. 2 1/4 years 
D. 2 3/4 years

Answer: Option A


Let sum = x. Then, S.I. = 0.125x = 1/8 x, R = 10%
Time = (100 * x) / (x * 8 * 10) = 5/4 = 1 1/4 years.

8. Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?

A. Rs.150 
B. Rs.132 
C. Rs.100 
D. Rs.125

Answer: Option B


2 * 22/7 * 14 = 88
88 * 1 1/2 = Rs.132

9. A pupil’s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

A. 10 
B. 20 
C. 40 
D. 73

Answer: Option C


Let there be x pupils in the class.
Total increase in marks = (x * 1/2) = x/2
x/2 = (83 – 63) => x/2 = 20 => x = 40.

10. The H.C.F of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

A. 279 
B. 283 
C. 308 
D. 318

Answer: Option C


Other number = (11 * 7700)/275 = 308.

11. If the sum of the two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404, then the product of the numbers is:

A. 40 
B. 44 
C. 80 
D. 88

Answer: Option A


Let the numbers be x and y. 
Then, (x + y) = 22 and x2 + y2 = 404 
2xy = (x + y)2 – (x2 + y2) 
2xy= 222 – 404 = 484 – 404 = 80
xy = 40

12. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank from empty to full in 30 minutes, 20 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. When the tank is empty, all the three pipes are opened. A, B and C discharge chemical solutions P, Q and R respectively. What is the proportion of solution R in the liquid in the tank after 3 minutes?

A. 5/11 
B. 6/11 
C. 7/11 
D. 8/11

Answer: Option B


Part filled by (A + B + C) in 3 minutes = 3(1/30 + 1/20 + 1/10) = 11/20
Part filled by C in 3 minutes = 3/10
Required ratio = 3/10 * 20/11 = 6/11

13. The principal that amounts to Rs. 4913 in 3 years at 6 1/4 % per annum C.I. compounded annually, is?

A. Rs. 3096 
B. Rs. 4076 
C. Rs. 4085 
D. Rs. 4096

Answer: Option D


Principal = [4913 / (1 + 25/(4 * 100))3] 
= 4913 * 16/17 * 16/17 * 16/17 = Rs. 4096.

14. If the height of a cone is increased by 100% then its volume is increased by?

A. 100% 
B. 200% 
C. 300% 
D. 400%

Answer: Option A



15. Find the one which does not belong to that group?

A. Walk 
B. Talk 
C. Drink 
D. Plank 
E. Lick

Answer: Option D


Walk, Talk, Drink and Lick are verbs, but not Plank.

16. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20%. B sells it to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs. 225 for it, the cost price of the bicycle for A is:

A. Rs. 110 
B. Rs. 120 
C. Rs. 125 
D. Rs. 150

Answer: Option D


125% of 120% of A = 225
125/100 * 120/100 * A = 225
A = 225 * 2/3 = 150.

17. A person’s present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old id the mother at present?

A. 32 years 
B. 36 years 
C. 40 years 
D. 48 years

Answer: Option C


Let the mother’s present age be x years. Then, the person’s present age = 2/5 x years.
(2/5 x + 8) = 1/2 (x + 8)
2(2x + 40) = 5(x + 8) => x = 40

18. In an election between two candidates A and B, the number of valid votes received by A exceeds those received by B by 15% of the total number of votes polled. If 20% of the votes polled were invalid and a total of 8720 votes were polled, then how many valid votes did B get?

A. 2160 
B. 2420 
C. 2834 
D. 3150 
E. None of these

Answer: Option C


Let the total number of votes polled in the election be 100k.
Number of valid votes = 100k – 20% (100k) = 80k
Let the number of votes polled in favour of A and B be a and b respectively.
a – b = 15% (100k) => a = b + 15k
=> a + b = b + 15k + b
Now, 2b + 15k = 80k and hence b = 32.5k
It is given that 100k = 8720
32.5k = 32.5k/100k * 8720 = 2834
The number of valid votes polled in favour of B is 2834.

19. The cost of 16 pens and 8 pencils is Rs.352 and the cost of 4 pens and 4 pencils is Rs.96. Find the cost of each pen?

A. Rs.32 
B. Rs.28 
C. Rs.36 
D. Rs.25 
E. None of these

Option E


Let the cost of each pen and pencil be ‘p’ and ‘q’ respectively.
16p + 8q = 352 — (1)
4p + 4q = 96
8p + 8q = 192 — (2)
(1) – (2) => 8p = 160
=> p = 20

20. I. a2 + 11a + 30 = 0,
II. b2 + 6b + 5 = 0 to solve both the equations to find the values of a and b?

A. If a < b 
B. If a = b 
C. If the relationship between a and b cannot be established 
D. If a > b E. If a = b

Answer: Option B


I. (a + 6)(a + 5) = 0
=> a = -6, -5
II. (b + 5)(b + 1) = 0
=> b = -5, -1 => a = b

21. 32% of 425 – ?% of 250 = 36

A. 20 
B. 40 
C. 60 
D. 80 E. 70

Answer: Option B


32/100 * 425 – x/100 * 250 = 36
 => x/100 * 250 = 136 – 36 = 100 
=> x = (100 * 100)/250 = 40

22. The radius of a wheel is 22.4 cm. What is the distance covered by the wheel in making 500 resolutions?

A. 252 m 
B. 704 m 
C. 352 m 
D. 808 m 
E. None of these

Answer: Option B


In one resolution, the distance covered by the wheel is its own circumference. Distance covered in 500 resolutions. 
= 500 * 2 * 22/7 * 22.4 = 70400 cm = 704 m

23. Which of the following has the same relationship as that of Money: Wealth?

A. Pity: Kindness 
B. Cruel: Anger 
C. Wise: Education 
D. Pride: Humility E. None of these

Answer: Option A

Infosys Reasoning Test Sample Papers
Infosys Reasoning sample questions are provided in this section along with detailed solutions. Before going to attend for the Infosys online test should prepare the provided questions thoroughly.

1. Statement:
The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company ‘S’ to introduce written examination for Clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.
I. So far the company ‘S’ used to select candidates with out conducting a written examination.
II. A written examination can help to identify component persons.
III. At higher level written examination may not be of much use.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only I and III

Option A


To appeal to start the written examination clearly hints about assumption I. Employees association assumes II that is why they have appealed so.

Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.
Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?

A. Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
B. Social networking should be banned.
C. Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
D. Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.

Option A

Cause: The forest department has found several deadly tiger traps in the forests which fall under Maharashtra tiger reserve. These traps are usually laid by African nomads.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?

A. The local people and the officials may be alerted of movements of African nationals who look different by their wears and traits.
B. A fencing may be constructed all around the reserve.
C. all the tigers from the reserve may be shifted to zoos.
D. The government may send army personnel to comb the place to find if there are more such traps.

Option A

It may prudent to bear with a small harm for a greater benefit. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Research has consistently shown that frequent exposure X-rays can cause cells in human body to be destroyed or mutated, apart from this it can cause damage to DNA cell structure, a bane that could be passed down for generations. Doctors, unmindful of such consequences, subject the patients to exposure to X-rays, even in the cases in which it can be avoided.
Which of the following can be concluded/ inferred from the above passage?

A. Doctors think of other consequences of the treatment they provide to the patients.
B. All the hospitals have X-ray machines.
C. There are no government directives regarding the manufacture of X-ray machines.
D. One cannot do away with X-ray machines in treating the patients.
E. None of these

Option E


From the passage it is clear that the doctors do not think of using the X-ray machines. Hence, (A) cannot be concluded. The context of the passage is not about the number of hospitals that use X-ray machines. Similarly, (C) is also out of context. The passage is not referring to availability of alternatives to X-rays or otherwise. Hence, (D) cannot be concluded.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
Step III: 550 345 280 147 93 36 25
This is the final arrangement and step III is the last step for this input.

Which of the following is the last step for the following input?

Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356

A. 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
B. 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
C. 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
D. 900 356 243 227 116 145 49

Option B


Numbers are getting arranged in descending order.
The largest of the given number interchanges its place with the first number. IN case the largest number is already arranged, the second largest is interchanged with the number next to the largest number, and so on until the numbers are arranged in descending order.
The series which is in strictly descending order will be the answer.

In the following questions, the symbols +, ×, =, ÷ and – are used with following meanings:
‘P+Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
‘P×Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
‘P=Q’ means ‘P is equal to Q’.
‘P÷Q’ means ‘P is smaller than Q’.
‘P-Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’.

G – H, K × L, L – G
Conclusions: I. G ÷ K   II. L – H

A. if only conclusion I is true.
B. if only conclusion II is true.
C. if either conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither conclusion I nor II is true.

Option B

7. Statement:

Should seniority be the only criterion for the promotion?
I. No. All the senior employees are not interested in promotion.
II. Yes. Otherwise senior employees feel humiliated.

A. If only argument I is strong
B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong

Option D


I is not strong because the question of criterion arises only when the employee is really for promotion. II is not strong because a blind submission to such a feeling will do no good to the organisation. The effort should be to take measures that make employees feel that they are being cared for even though not promoted.

8. Statements: 

I. No U is L
II. No L is k
III.Some N are Z
IV. Some Z are magic


I. No U is Z
II. All Z being L is a possibility.

A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Statement 3 is true
D. None of these

Option B

The workers from asbestos industries do not protest against the health hazards and lack of medical facilities as most of them do not suffer from asbestos dust.

A. If the inference is definitely true
B. If the inference is probably true
C. If the data are inadequate
D. If the inference is probably false
E. If the inference is definitely false

Option E


From the clause afraid to protest for fear of losing job the given reason can be nullified.

10. Statement:

The company ‘X’ has rejected first lot of values supplied by company ‘A’ and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.
Courses of action:
I. The company ‘A’ needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.
II. The company ‘A’ should inspect all the values rejected by company ‘X’.
III. The company ‘A’ should inform company ‘X’ that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II
C. All I, II and III
D. II and either I or III

Option C


As in the statement it is mentioned ‘rejection due to inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship’, it is well known that purchase dept is responsible for purchasing the inferior quality material. Again production dept is responsible for improper inspection. Hence investigation is compulsory for all the departments. Hence I follows. II follows because claim of company ‘X’ may be wrong. III follows because relationships with a previous client should always be kept up.

Choose out the odd one.

A. Seminar
B. Semi colon
C. Semifinal
D. Semicircle

Option A


In all except seminar, Semi indicates “half”.

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?


Option B

What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series?

N 5 V, K 7 T, ?, E 14 P, B 19 N

A. I10R
B. H10Q
C. H9R
D. H10R

Option D

If ‘CAT’ and ‘BOAT’ are written as ‘XZG’ and ‘YIZG’ respectively in a code language then how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language?


Option C

Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter father”, How is the gentleman related to Deepak?

A. Grand Father
B. Father
C. Brother-in-law
D. Uncle

Option D


Father of Deepak’s daughter’s father –Deepaks Father. So the man’s brother is deepak’s Father or the man is the brother of deepak’s father i.e…, Deepak’s uncle.

Infosys English Test Model Papers

This section deals with English Model Papers. We have updated important questions along with solutions. Practice more model test papers and improve your vocabulary. We suggest the contenders just refer the provided sample papers for reference purpose only. 


A. misery
B. indifference
C. veracity
D. generosity

Option D


Generosity (munificence, large-hoartodness) andtruism are synonyms.


A. twisted
B. cunning
C. irrational
D. guileless

Option D


The words wily (cunning) and guileless are antonyms.

We should travel ________ night, as it will be cooler.

A. in
B. at
C. with
D. by

Option A

Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm sunshine and soothing ______.

A. zephyrs
B. dervishes
C. stanchions
D. ebbs

Option A


A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the west.

The seller lowered the prices.

A. The prices lowered the seller.
B. The prices were lowered by the seller.
C. Down went the price.
D. The prices lowered by the seller.

Option B


The prices were lowered by the seller.

Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Restaurent
B. Restaurant
C. Rastaurent
D. Rasteraunt

Option B

To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.

A. Meditation
B. Retrospection
C. Reflection
D. Introspection

Option D

Choose the best word in the given passage.

A. high
B. varying
C. no
D. almost

Option B

Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

Option A


Will we ever forget those happy days?

The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been


Option A

The match was over. We left for home.
a) Match ———–
b) We left ———–
c) Besides the match ———–

A. Only B
B. A & B
C. B & C
D. A & C

Option B

To rise with the lark

A. to be promoted in position
B. to order somebody to get out of bed
C. to be able to deal with a difficult situation.
D. to be affected by problems or insult
E. to wake up very early

Option E


When you wake up very early, you ‘rise with the lark’ (the name of a bird).

Do how I say.

A. as
B. that
C. like
D. which

Option A

Many teachers believe that the easiest way of maintaining order and discipline in classrooms is by instilling fear in the minds of the students. —– Parents too are to blame for this syndrome for they make life difficult for their children by setting unrealistic goals.
(A) Its a pity that often lack in self-confidence.
(B) No wonder they often lack in self-confidence.
(C) It is practically impossible for the teachers to attend to each student’s problems.

A. A and B
B. A and C
C. Only A
D. All the three

Option A


Only statements A and B can Join the two sentences. C is different from them.

It was raining heavily. Hence, only few people attended the meeting.
(A) Since it was raining …..
(B) Because it was …..
(C) Therefore few people …..

A. Only B
B. B and C
C. Only C
D. A and B

Option D


A is correct because the word ‘since’ suggests a reason. ‘As’ and ‘because’ are also used to suggest reason.
Infosys Placement Paper Syllabus
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
·         Probability
·         Permutations & Combinations
·         Algebra
·         Averages
·         Time Speed & Distance
·         Time & Work
·         Profit & Loss
·         Ratio & Proportion
·         Simple & Compound Interest
·         Percentage
·         Number Series
·         Mixtures & Alligations
·         Simplification
·         Number System
·         Heights and Distances
·         Geometry & Mensuration
·         Data Sufficiency
·         Logarithms
·         Progressions
·         LCM and HCL
·         Pipes and Cisterns
·         Partnership
·         Boats and Streams
·         Areas, Volumes
Reasoning Syllabus
·         Number Series
·         Letter Series
·         Analogies
·         Puzzles
·         Syllogisms
·         Binary Logic
·         Clocks & Calendars
·         Cubes & Dice
·         Classification 
·         Blood Relations
·         Coding-Decoding
·         Data Sufficiency
·         Seating Arrangement
·         Venn Diagrams
·         Problem Solving
·         Coded Inequalities
·         Double Lineup
·         Logical Deductions
·         Routes & Networks
·         Grouping & Selections
·         Evaluating Course of Action
·         Statements and Conclusions
·         Mathematical and Computer Operations
·         Critical Reasoning
·         Inferences
·         Situation Reaction Test
·         Decision Making
·         Symbols and Notations
·         Direction Sense Test
·         Logical Sequence Of Words
·         Assertion and Reason
·         Verification of Truth of the Statement
·         Statements and Assumptions
·         Data Interpretation
Verbal Ability Syllabus
·         Synonyms
·         Antonyms
·         Sentence Completion
·         Spelling Test
·         Passage Completion
·         Sentence Arrangement
·         Idioms and Phrases
·         Para Completion
·         Error Correction (Underlined Part)
·         Fill in the blanks
·         Synonyms
·         Prepositions
·         Active and Passive Voice
·         Spotting Errors
·         Substitution
·         Transformation
·         Sentence Improvement
·         Joining Sentences
·         Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
·         Articles
·         Gerunds
·         Identify the Errors
·         Plural Forms
·         Odd Words
·         Prepositions
·         Suffix
·         Tense
·         Adjectives
·         Homophones
·         Identify the Sentences
·         Nouns
·         Prefix
·         Sentence Pattern
·         Tag Questions
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Dear readers, the syllabus and Infosys placement papers provided here are just for information purpose only. Sometimes companies may change their syllabus and exam pattern. So Please check official company website for the latest Infosys syllabus.
 Download Infosys Placement Papers PDF: Click Here

Dear readers, the syllabus and Infosys placement papers provided here are just for information purpose only. Sometimes companies may change their syllabus and exam pattern. So Please check official company website for the latest Infosys syllabus.

·         Suffix
·         Tense
·         Adjectives
·         Homophones
·         Identify the Sentences
·         Nouns
·         Prefix
·         Sentence Pattern
·         Tag Questions
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Dear readers, the syllabus and Infosys placement papers provided here are just for information purpose only. Sometimes companies may change their syllabus and exam pattern. So Please check official company website for the latest Infosys syllabus.


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